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Lilly Kaighin Award

Lilly Kaighin sailing her sunfish_edited

In October of 1999, Lilly Kaighin’s family executed a Deed of Gift and Trust Agreement providing a perpetual trophy in the memory of Lilly Kaighin, a past president of FWSA.


She was also a past member of several FWSA clubs and a founding member of two clubs: the Dinghy Dames of DIYC and the Luffing Lassies of Sarasota Sailing Squadron.


This trophy is to be awarded to a member (deserving of recognition) for exemplifying any of the following qualities: leadership, motivation, organization, involvement, good sportsmanship, or contributing to the social aspect of sailing for either the FWSA or a member club.


Nomination forms for the trophy are available at the January FWSA meeting.  Completed forms are to be returned to the President one month before the annual meeting in May. The FWSA Executive Board will select the recipient and award the trophy at the annual meeting.


The recipient will hold the trophy for one year and then return it to the FWSA. She will receive a keeper memento with her name and the year she received the Lilly Kaighin award.

2024 Lilly Kaighin Recipient -

Carol Hansen, Salty Sister and Broad Reacher

How do you describe the value of Carol to every organization of which she has been a part?  For the Salty Sisters and Broad Reachers who have been around her and have collaborated with her, Carol is The Indispensable, Irreplaceable Woman.  Who do we call when we need to get a job done?  It is Carol.  What would we do without her?   Thank goodness we have not had to answer that question. 


The Salty Sisters and Broad Reachers are proud to nominate Carol Hansen for the 2024 Lilly Kaighin Award.


Valerie Massingill, Captain, Salty Sisters, Audrey Orgo, Salty Sisters 1st Delegate, Juliet Clark, Sailing Captain, Broad Reachers and Katie Rodgers, Broad Reachers, 1st Delegate.



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